All the students from class 9th to 12th standard, who applied under Atul Maheshwari Scholarship can check their Examination Result which is released by the officials for the appearing candidates. The students who were selected under the Atul Maheshwari scholarship will get a scholarship amount that covers their educational expenses. Students can easily check their Results on the official website of scholarship to know the status of their selection. Atul Maheshwari Scholarship Result was announced in the 1st week of January 2023. All the students from class 9th to 12th standard must read this article to know the steps to check the Atul Maheshwari Scholarship Result 2023, the details it contains, and other details.

Importance of Atul Maheshwari Scholarship Result 2024
Many students belong to the economically weaker section of society who cannot afford their educational expenses. After the release of the Atul Maheshwari Scholarship Result, students who were selected will get financial assistance of Rs. 30,000 for class 9th and 10 students and Rs. 50,000 for classes 11 and 12th to be able to pay their school fees. Students who applied under the Atul Maheshwari scholarship can only check their results to know about their selection status. The Atul Maheshwari scholarship exam was conducted in the Month of November 2022 and now the result is declared. It will be a great relief for many students.
About Atul Maheshwari Scholarship
Atul Maheshwari Scholarship 2023 was introduced by the Amar Ujala Organisation for students who belong to economically weaker sections with a family annual income equal to or less than Rs. 1.50 lakh who studied in class 9th to 12th standard. Under this Atul Maheshwari scholarship 2023 only 46 seats are available for candidates. Students who score good marks will be eligible for a scholarship amount Rs. Rs. 30,000 for classes 9th and 10th students and Rs. 50,000 for classes 11th and 12th.
- Candidates must score at least 60% marks in their previous examination to be eligible for the scholarship. Now the application form is open for new candidates from 15th August 2023 to 30th August 2023. So, students must register before the last date of registration.
Key Highlights of Atul Maheshwari Scholarship Result
Launched By | Amar Ujala Organisation |
Name of Scholarship | Atul maheshwari scholarship Result 2024 |
Objective | Students get financial assistance for their education |
Benefits | Financial Assistance |
Eligibility Criteria | Students from class 9th to 12th standard |
Result Declaration | Released |
Also Read: Atal Bihari Vajpayee General Scholarship Scheme
Documents Required
- Application id
- Registration number
- Password
How to Check Atul Maheshwari Scholarship Result 2024
- Students need to visit the official website of Amar Ujala Organisation.
- The homepage will appear on your screen, here you have to click on the Atul Maheshwari scholarship Result 2024
- A new page will appear, here Enter your Registration number, User id, and Password.
- As you fill all these details, click on the Submit button.
- The Scholarship Result will open on your screen, Here you can check your name to know your selection status.
Previous Year Atul Maheshwari Scholarship Result Students Name
Here we will provide a list of selected students name who qualified for the examination from the previous year:
Students from class 9th to 10th Standard
- राहुल सिंह (रोल नंबर 2470116, आगरा)
- अनुज कुमार (रोल नंबर 1380095 अलीगढ़)
- चित्रांश गंगवार (रोल नंबर 2190196 बरेली)
- विशाल त्रिपाठी (रोल नंबर 1100110 प्रयागराज)
- वंशिका ठाकुर (रोल नंबर 2160008 धर्मशाला)
- कुनाल सैन (रोल नंबर 2420079 गाजियाबाद)
- शालिनी यादव (रोल नंबर 2390519 गोरखपुर)
- कार्तिकेय तिवारी (रोल नंबर 2460040 हल्द्वानी)
- आरजू (रोल नंबर 2550001 हिसार)
- गरिमा शर्मा (रोल नंबर 1250029 जम्मू)
- हर्षित नामदेव (रोल नंबर 2570129 झांसी)
- ऋतुज मौर्य (रोल नंबर 2530006 कानपुर)
- रीनू (रोल नंबर 1550084 करनाल)
- आशु यादव (रोल नंबर 1230032 लखनऊ)
- अभिनव सिंह (रोल नंबर 1080031 मेरठ)
- आर्यन (रोल नंबर 1310182 मुरादाबाद)
- आदित्य कुमार झा (रोल नंबर 1110008 रोहतक)
- अंजली (रोल नंबर 1180003 शिमला)
- मोहित कुमार (रोल नंबर 1290340 वाराणसी)
- लिपि ओझा (रोल नंबर 2170004 चंडीगढ़)
- शिवानी (रोल नंबर 2560007 देहरादून)
Students from class 11th to 12th Standard
- गौरव तिवारी (रोल नंबर 4480054 आगरा)
- राम (रोल नंबर 4380130 अलीगढ़)
- अंकित बाबू (रोल नंबर 4190323 बरेली)
- रुपेश निषाद (रोल नंबर 3090719 प्रयागराज)
- श्रद्धा (रोल नंबर 4540007 हिसार)
- अमान सैफी (रोल नंबर 4420148 गाजियाबाद)
- आनंद मोहन मिश्रा (रोल नंबर 3390192 गोरखपुर)
- नेहा (रोल नंबर 3460086 हल्द्वानी)
- हिमांशी (रोल नंबर 2550021 हिसार)
- पारस पांडव (रोल नंबर 3250048 जम्मू )
- आदित्य तिवारी (रोल नंबर 4500110 झांसी)
- अर्पित कुशवाहा (रोल नंबर 4010027 कानपुर)
- अमन (रोल नंबर 4130097 करनाल)
- सिद्धार्थ पटवा (रोल नंबर 3510198 लखनऊ)
- कृष्णा अग्रवाल (रोल नंबर 4050154 मेरठ)
- मिलन पाल (रोल नंबर 3310133 मुरादाबाद)
- स्नेहा (रोल नंबर 4110077 रोहतक)
- टीना (रोल नंबर 3180006 शिमला)
- आदित्य वर्मा (रोल नंबर 3270815 वाराणसी)
- गुलफिशा (रोल नंबर 3370068 देहरादून)
Contact Details
- Phone: 0120 – 4694138, 4694250
- Address: Amar Ujala Foundation, C-21/22, Sector-59, Noida, UP-201301, India
- Email:
Who can check the Atul Maheshwari scholarship Result 2024?
Students who applied under the Atul Maheshwari scholarship and appear under the examination will be eligible to check the Atul Maheshwari scholarship Result 2024.
What documents are required to check the Atul Maheshwari scholarship Result 2024?
Students need to upload their Registration number, application ID and Password to check their results.
From where students can check the Atul Maheshwari scholarship Result 2024?
Students need to visit the official website of Ammar Ujala Organisation, to click on the Result option to know about their selection list.